A book of prayers that will change your life.


“Lord, Have Mercy”

Go-To Prayers When You Need To Pray, But Don’t Know What To Say

Are you experiencing a wilderness season, where daily, something comes lurching toward you, ready to attack? Are you attempting to go through a normal routine, but there is nothing normal about it? Nothing seems to be working out. Nothing is recognizable. The space is alien, and it seems inescapable. “Lord, Have Mercy” offers five straightforward, powerful prayers to God to help anyone going through a challenging moment in life– a wilderness season.

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Alvelyn Sanders-Swafford has released a new book titled, “Lord, Have Mercy: 5 Go To Prayers When You Need To Pray, But Don’t Know What To Say.” Sanders-Swafford, an ordained minister, pastor, and award-winning filmmaker and writer, shares her personal story of a five-year wilderness season. During that time, prayer was all she had to sustain her. She provides five prayers to reaffirm yourself and remind you that difficult moments may come, but you can overcome them with God’s help.

Sanders-Swafford shares the following:
“During my five-year wilderness experience, prayer was the only thing I had. In the midst of it all, I still believed Jesus was with me, loved me, kept me, and had a future for me – I just had to get there. Prayers in this book were developed during, or inspired by, that personal wilderness experience. They are my go-to prayers. They served me in times when I did not know what to say, but I knew I needed to pray because prayer was all I had. These prayers carried me then – and they carry me today. I offer them to you now to help you get through your wilderness experience – or a challenging season you may be facing. I believe in the power of prayer.”

These prayers will help anyone who may feel lost, discouraged, or scared overcome difficult moments in life. If you pray every day, or rarely pray, this book is still for you. These five, one-sentence prayers, along with personal stories, and easy to follow biblical illustrations invite readers to grow closer to God and Jesus Christ as they strive to hear from God and follow God’s direction for their life. Read them now and save them for later.

The Five Go-To Prayers

Prayer One:   

Lord, please show me the way.

Prayer Two:   

 Lord, through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, please use people as instruments of Your will for my life.

Prayer Three:   

Lord, please give me this day, my daily bread.

Prayer Four:   

Lord, have mercy.

Prayer Five:   

Lord, thank you for your love, grace, and mercy.

About The Author

Reverend Alvelyn Sanders-Swafford

Alvelyn Sanders-Swafford, an ordained minister, pastor, and award-winning filmmaker and writer, shares her personal story of a five-year wilderness season. During that time, prayer was all she had to sustain her. She provides five prayers to reaffirm yourself and remind you that difficult moments may come, but you can overcome them with God’s help.

“Foot Soldiers: Class of 1964”

Alvelyn Sanders-Swafford is the producer, director, and writer of “Foot Soldiers: Class of 1964,” an award-winning, independent documentary about women in the Class of 1964 at Spelman College, who participated in the largest coordinated, series of civil rights protests in Atlanta’s history as college freshmen. 

“Foot Soldiers: Class of 1964” is an award-winning, independent documentary about women in the Class of 1964 at Spelman College, who participated in the largest coordinated, series of civil rights protests in Atlanta’s history as college freshmen. As young women – sixteen, seventeen, and eighteen years old – these willing souls were some of the foot soldiers of the Atlanta University Center who carried the Atlanta Student Movement through relentless picketing, sit-ins, kneel-ins, and other non-violent demonstrations. Their bold activism is an Atlanta story that helped change the world. For decades, the faces in the crowd have gone unnamed; their voices unheard. Who were these young women? What motivated these students who had just completed high school to get involved in such a movement? What in their family background prepared them for such an undertaking? How did their activism as young college students impact the remainder of their college matriculation and the rest of their lives? These questions are answered in “Foot Soldiers: Class of 1964”.

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Reverend Alvelyn Sanders-Swafford